

Etsy Spotlight Interview #12 :: Ammiki

Enjoy this exclusive Limefish Studio spotlight interview with...
 Simone, the Etsy shop owner of Ammiki
Please tell us about your shop name...
 My shop name is Ammiki. I used the name because I was using it for another creative project which I never developed, so I thought why not use what I already have? Plus I think the letters typographically work well together. 

Can you share a little background about your logo...
 Umm, it just very simple and contemporary. Just using type. I like simple and clean type for logos.

How would you explain your Etsy shop...
►  I sell modern, bold, abstract contemporary art prints. It’s relatively new, and to be honest I am surprised my work is being enjoyed by others. It would be a lie to say that I thought about the concept a lot. But for some reason a lot of work that I put ‘out there’ on a whim seems to do well. So my method to my madness is…not to think about it too much!
Please tell us about the items in your shop...
 the items I sell in my shop are art prints. They consist of bright, bold colors with abstract shapes and a bit of texturing. 

Where do you get your inspiration?
 I like experimenting, I think that’s in my nature, sort of automatic response without much thought or effort. So my inspiration really comes from observing what I like and then just playing around.
I have always enjoyed shapes, I love circles for some strange reason. I also love textures and making new ones and although this work isn’t heavily texturized, there is still elements of texture within the work.

Where can we find your work?
 etsy - 
 blog –
 facebook –
 twitter -
 pinterest -
 instagram -

You cannot live without...
►  My laptop…I love it. I use it to create most of my work.

You're not a fan of...
 People that don’t want to help other people.

We wouldn't guess that...

 I am very, very messy. Like extremely messy. 

One day you hope to...

 Have my animation series.

Do you have advice for other Etsy shop owners?
 Well to be honest I think what works for one person doesn’t always work for another.
For example I really don’t think too much about my work, I just do it. So there is not much planning involved. If I told someone else to do the same thing, they may not have the same results. So my best advice is just to observe what is working best for you. Find your own mojo.

Other Etsy shops you love...
So many…gosh, how do I choose? Here’s a few...

Please join us in thanking AMMIKI for taking the time to participate in our spotlight interview
Visit her shop and sites to stay connected with this very talented artist! 
Do you or someone you know have an Etsy shop worthy of shining the spotlight on? 
Comment below with the shop link to be considered for a future interview!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! I love Ammiki's beautiful art, so to see that Simone had named me as one of her favourite Etsy shops is a real honour! Thank you. :)

    Natasha @ The Blackbird Sings
