

The Artsy Girl Studio | Custom Logo Design + Branding | Artist Logo

I can't quite explain the excitement I get when a new email arrives from someone inquiring about custom logo designs. The fact that they reached out to me says that my work somehow caught their attention, but more importantly... the inquiry alone tells me that this person is dedicated to making their business succeed. They're aimed at taking things to the next level and eager for a cohesive brand that reflects their unique style and offers a professional first-impression to the world.  

I recently had the pleasure of working with (very talented) Monica on creating this new and refreshing logo for her art business. 

(previous logo by another artist)
To explain our process a bit, I want to show where she started. Although her first logo was unique and well-made, Monica knew it was time for a change. She felt something light, clean, and vibrant would better represent her business and artistic style. As I explained in one of our early conversations... your audience should never have to "work" to read your logo, so we also sought more legible typeface options. Also, since 90% of her artwork utilizes varied fonts, it was important to have that reflected in her logo as well. 

While browsing the artwork in her online Etsy Shop, I noticed several recurring themes (such as the cutout words) and color palettes that would translate wonderfully to her new logo design. 

One of the things I believe sets Limefish Studio apart from others is that I want my clients to ALL be 100% in love with their new logo. For some people it takes 2 rounds of back-and-forth changes and for some it takes 20. 
Therefore, all of my packages include: "endless concepts/revisions until you LOVE your design + state it's "final"

I am beyond thrilled to present the following Branding Board to showcase The Artsy Girl Studio's new look! 
Please take a moment to check out The Artsy Girl Studio's websiteEtsy Shop, Society 6 Shop, and Facebook Page
Many, many thanks to Monica for this wonderful opportunity. 
I wish her the ABSOLUTE BEST of luck with moving forward. 

Want to learn more about Limefish Studio custom logo and branding designs?
Click here to view packages available in my etsy shop for more details.  

- S T A Y    C O N N E C T E D - 

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