

Parker Family :: Charlottesville Photographer

These two lovebirds are both graduates of UVA and met while working together here in Charlottesville.
In 2011 they had a romantic wedding at the Rotunda at UVA, and now they joyously welcome a sweet addition to their family!
Little Hayes was just 16 weeks new during this family portrait session, and he was the happiest little model! 

  Hayes was obviously thrilled to show off his new ability to hold himself up! 
And, I loved the way his eyes instantly lit up whenever he looked up at his Mommy and Daddy!
This adorable little sweater was knit by his sweet Grandma!
Congratulations to this adorable family as they celebrate their first holiday season together! 

- S T A Y    C O N N E C T E D - 
Click here to visit the Limefish Studio Photography site.
I am currently based in Charlottesville, Virginia, but love any excuse to travel!


  1. Hi
    It feels so nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on regarding Really thankful to you for starting this.

  2. So cute baby and I love the way of photography and can you please tell me about the photographer I also want to take their help in making my family photograph amazing.More Info
