

Etsy Spotlight Interview #10 :: Earthegy

Enjoy our exclusive spotlight interview with...
Chrissy, the Etsy shop owner of earthegy. 

Tell us about your shop name...
 earthegy is a simple combo of the words "earth" and "energy." I wanted something simple and memorable that described my products.

Tell us about your logo...
 The tree actually has a double rainbow behind it and it's lit by the sun. It's the raw, natural beauty and color of nature and I use it to represent the stones I sell. The earth formed them over millions of years and the colors in each are unique and infinite. What better place to find your materials than earth itself?

Tell us about your shop...
I try to make a wide variety of items to appeal to different tastes and budgets and I scour the world to find some of the rarer stones, like larimar, at affordable prices. My designs are simple and uncluttered, meant for everyday wear. I don't want them to be special occasion pieces, I want my customers putting on their favorite necklace or bracelet every day. They're my best advertising.

Tell us about the items in your shop...
 In my etsy shop I mainly just carry jewelry, but on my main website I also carry stone specimens and tools for reiki, yoga, and feng shui practitioners and people who use crystals for other purposes. I do a lot of research on each type of stone and people crave information.

Where do you get your inspiration?
 The rocks and their colors, flowers blooming on my property, the night sky, my customers and facebook fans, and pretty much anywhere I can. A lot of times new design ideas come to me when I'm falling asleep or driving or doing something mundane, like laundry.

Where can we find your work?

 Main Shop -
 Blog -
 Facebook -
 Twitter -
 Pinterest -

You cannot live without...
► Dark chocolate, red wine, yoga pants, ponytails, my front porch, my dogs, and my fireplace :)

You're not a fan of...
 Anything fussy or ornate. I'm a to the point kind of girl, which is probably why my designs are very simple.

We wouldn't guess that...
 I used to be a controller for several companies with a hefty salary and a boat load of dresses and high heels in my closet. I still like my dresses and heels, but rarely wear them anymore. I think I've spent a whopping $100 on new clothes in the last two years.

One day you hope to...
 Add onto my house so I have room for more rocks! And have enough money in my business budget to go on a work vacation/buying trip somewhere tropical with lots of rocks I can ship home.

Do you have advice for other Etsy shop owners?
 Unless you're in it just as a hobby, make a business plan and stick with it. And advertise. Look for new ways to expand your product line with accessory products that compliment your current products.

Other Etsy shops you love...

Please join us in thanking EARTHEGY for taking the time to participate in our spotlight interview
Visit her shop and sites to stay connected with this very talented artist! 
Do you or someone you know have an Etsy shop worthy of shining the spotlight on? 
Comment below with the shop link to be considered for a future interview!


  1. Chrisy is not only a great jewelry designer, she's a brilliant business woman with lots of great online selling advice in her book, earthegy Seller's Bible. I would suggest it to ANYONE looking to start a new online business or for veteran sellers to boost their sales.
    In 3 years she has built her facebook business page to OVER 20,000 fans.
    And she's a really nice person too :)

  2. Thanks so much for featuring me!!! ~Chrisy, aka earthegy
