

Baby Emma | Richmond Newborn Photographer

I was so honored to travel to Richmond, Virginia and meet sweet Emma 
for her newborn photography session at just 7 days new!
Rewinding a little bit... 
Mommy and Daddy enlisted my help with taking their pregnancy announcement photos (which meant I was one of the first to know ~ how special!) 
They wanted a beautiful way to share their exciting news with their friends and family. 
I feel like it was just yesterday we were running around Maymount park for all of these photos

And... now fast-forward... 
These proud parents have the sweetest little addition to their family.
 She was so peaceful, and the perfect little model. 
Ahh... adorable baby toes! 
She sure liked to snuggle!
How incredible is this basket! Mommy found it at World Market and it was holding an assortment of adorable stuffed animals in Emma's nursery... but we decided it'd be even cuter with Emma in it!
 I just adore these next three. Thew show the sweet interaction between Emma and her Mommy... and those expressions are just priceless! You can see how much of a little wiggle-worm dancer she is too!
  Click here to visit the Limefish Studio Photography site.
I am currently based in Charlottesville, Virginia, but often travel to Richmond and Northern Virginia for photo sessions ;) ;) 

- S T A Y    C O N N E C T E D - 

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