

Etsy Spotlight Interview #11 :: Blobhouse

Enjoy our exclusive spotlight interview with...
Gesine, the Etsy shop owner of Blobhouse

Tell us about your shop name...
 Back when the Internet was young I got my first domain name, not really having much of a plan for what to do with it. It just felt like the thing to do to have a website. I was making small abstract, colorful sculptures at the time that I called Blobs, so blobhouse came to mind. When I opened my etsy shop and thought about what to call it, blobhouse sounded like a good choice. Even though I still don’t do anything with the domain, I have hung onto it and paid my yearly 25 bucks, thinking that one day I will expand my empire and somehow use it for that.

Tell us about your logo...
 Ah, logos. Not my favorite thing to design. But since I had to do one I chose orange, my favorite color, and handwritten lettering with squiggly lines that reflect my whimsical art style. 

Tell us about your shop...
► My blobhouse etsy shop has been open since June 2010, so I just had my 3-year anniversary. I like being able to sell directly to my customers, have conversations with them, do custom items. I also love that my work gets to be seen by people all over the world. A gallery in Australia bought some pieces, a couple in England used my bunnies as a wedding cake topper, my art lives on shelves in Denmark, Singapore, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands and all over the United States. I just love the idea that little bits of my world are finding new homes in faraway places.

Tell us about the items in your shop...

 I sell small painted sculptures of animals and invented creatures that combine a child-like appearance with professional craftsmanship. All of them are originals that only exist once. The smaller ones are made from a combination of polymer clay and epoxy clay, the bigger ones also contain paper clay, which I make myself. I do not work with molds because I am not interested in just producing one item over and over. This is a terrible business model, because it obviously takes me a lot longer to design, make, paint, name and photograph each individual sculpture, but it makes me much happier. My pieces all have a lot of personality and often tell a little story. People frequently see themselves or their pets in them, which I think is just the best compliment I could wish for. I have many other sculptures that don’t make it into my etsy shop because they are too hard to ship.

Where do you get your inspiration?

 Most often I wake up in the morning with an idea. So I guess things come to me in my sleep. Also drawing in my sketchbook always brings new scenes and critters to light.

Where can we find your work?
 etsy -
 blog - Sculpture is just a part of my art, I also work in illustration and animation. is the place to visit and see all the different things that I’m up to. My blog also lives there. I have a private Facebook account and I don’t do twitter etc. I should probably try and be in more places on the Internet but there’s only so many hours in the day and in the end I want to spend them making art!

You cannot live without...
►  Creating things. My family. Summer.

You're not a fan of...

 having to make money to live

We wouldn't guess that...

 my chickens are named after characters in the TV show Lost.

One day you hope to...

 find a way of having some of my sculpture designs mass-produced and distributed through something like a toy company. I think my worry warts or pet lumps would be really well suited for that.

Do you have advice for other Etsy shop owners?

 Don’t get discouraged. Sales tend to bubble up and calm down sporadically, so be patient. Do what you love.

Other Etsy shops you love...
Here are some that I keep coming back to:

Please join us in thanking BLOBHOUSE for taking the time to participate in our spotlight interview
Visit her shop and sites to stay connected with this very talented artist! 
Do you or someone you know have an Etsy shop worthy of shining the spotlight on? 
Comment below with the shop link to be considered for a future interview!

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