

Wilson Family Winter Portraits :: Lake Monticello Photographer

Two parents, a two year old, and a newborn.... make for quite the entertaining family portrait session. 
It may have taken me singing barney songs and dancing around like a goofball, but I got this sweet girl to show off her adorable smile and all her little "monster teeth" as her mom so sweetly calls them!

I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites from this little holiday session!
 Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen!? And that hat! So precious! 
 This photo of her holding and kissing her new baby brother just warms my heart. 
Little mr. was so peaceful and didn't seem to mind at all!

 I've learned that incorporating some "games" into the photo session is a must for kiddos :) 
Aren't these priceless?!
 Ahhh...... these are definitely some favorites. 
I can only hope that they look back on these with delight when they're older. 
 Just look at those beautiful eyes...
 This photo makes me want to dance around ~ just look how happy she is!
Sending big hugs to this sweet family this holiday season! 

- S T A Y    C O N N E C T E D - 
Click here to visit the Limefish Studio Photography site.
I am currently based in Charlottesville, Virginia, but love any excuse to travel!

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