

Sara + Clayton :: DC Engagement Photos :: Virginia Photographer

I was thrilled to travel to DC for this session, and the timing was perfect. It was one of the last weekends with gorgeous fall foliage, and despite the frigid air, these two lovebirds warmed up to the camera (not shown here are all the "coats on"/ "coats off" moments!) We wandered in search of sunlight and vibrant colors, while successfully avoiding large crowds of tourists. 

Not only are these two super photogenic, but Sara and Clayton have the sweetest little love story too!
They met online and after exchanging some messages, phone calls, and "flirtatious texts" (Clayton's wording - gotta love it).... 
they had their first date. While they admit there was shyness and nervousness, the date went wonderfully. Unfortunately, afterwards Clayton traveled for the National Guard and it was another another month before they'd have their second date, but both waited patiently. 
And, on that second date is when they had their first kiss, and again according to Clayton, "that's all she wrote."

What a beautiful couple!
 And, of course I needed to hear about the proposal too.

They said it was perfect... awkwardly perfect. 

Clayton was leaving for Officer Training School and would be gone for six weeks. So, he decided a getaway weekend was in order.  He took Sara to Annapolis where they enjoyed a day cruise to St. Michael.  Throughout the day, Clayton kept messing with her about getting engaged and asking if she was sure that's something she wanted. Sitting beneath an old bell tower, they waited for the boat to arrive. Clayton continued to joke with Sara asking if she was really ready to put up with him and be married to him. She of course said yes (with a sweet confused look on her face), while Clayton collected his nerves and slid off the bench to drop to his knee. 

However, mid-movement, an intrigued older couple gawked and interrupted their moment. 
Clayton regained his composure and proposed! 
With joy and confusion, Sara's first response was "Really?... Are you kidding?" ... after a day full of jokes and laughter it was truly happening! 
Clayton was thrilled to share that Sara saying yes was the happiest moment he's ever had.
SO sweet! 
And.... wow! He sure choose a gorgeous ring!
I know I've mentioned this several times before... but I seriously love it when couples want to include their pets! 
This precious pup was SO well behaved!
Sara, you are stunning!
 SO cute! If memory serves me correctly, mr. Clayton tackled this little crafty project!
 Two of my favorites!
 After saying "okay last spot" perhaps twice while walking back to our cars, these two were such great sports to stop again at my request. 
There's no way we could pass up these fall trees along the water. 
Their happiness is radiant in this photo!

Wishing these two ALL THE BEST during this truly exciting time! 

- S T A Y    C O N N E C T E D - 
Click here to visit the Limefish Studio Photography site.
I am currently based in Charlottesville, Virginia, but love any excuse to travel!

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